Wednesday, February 6, 2013

On Feb 6, 2013, at 10:49 AM, JACK SARFATTI <> wrote:

Using my number uncertain state |U> = x|0> + y|1> instead of your truncated coherent state,
I calculate that these two outcomes have exactly the SAME AMPLITUDE.

This fact is the essence of the refutation..

agreed that is the question.

On Feb 6, 2013, at 10:41 AM, nick herbert <> wrote:

>>>>In other words, even though the |0>|1>|0>|1> outcome may produce "anti-fringes", it has nowhere near the amplitude to cancel the "fringes" caused by the |1>|0>|1>|0> outcome....since the former outcome describes a right-going photon being reflected (extremely rare due to vanishing 'r') while the latter outcome describes a right-going photon being transmitted (very likely due to 't' approximately equal to 1).<<<<

A very plausible argument
But restore the missing term, Demetrios,
Do the calculation.
Then see if you still believe
that the |1>|0>|1>|)> term and the |0>|1>|0>|1>
have different amplitudes.

Using my number uncertain state |U> = x|0> + y|1> instead of your truncated coherent state,
I calculate that these two outcomes have exactly the SAME AMPLITUDE.

This fact is the essence of the refutation..

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