Friday, December 20, 2013

Jack Sarfatti
2 minutes ago via Twitter
  • updated 12-20-13
    Jack Sarfatti -
    More on the physical meaning of gauge transformations in both gravity and the electromagnetic-weak-strong interactions 12-18-13 The subject of gauge transformations is almost always presented in an obscure way as a purely formal mathematical exercise without direct physical meaning. This is all clas...
  • Jack Sarfatti On Dec 20, 2013, at 8:58 AM, JACK SARFATTI wrote:

    On Dec 20, 2013, at 6:02 AM, Paul Murad wrote:

    So you are calling electric forces which I would call as real forces...

    Paul Murad
    Morningstar Applied Physics, LLC

    Electric force is real because it pushes charges off timelike geodesics of Einstein's geometrodynamical field, i.e. the Ruvwl curvature tensor field, which can be zero of course - zero is a good real number.

    My point is perhaps a bit surprising.

    The canonical 3-momentum of a charge e of mass m is

    P = mV + (e/c)A

    Total local momentum of the charge + EM field = Kinetic momentum of the charge + EM field momentum

    A gauge transformation is

    mV -> mV' = mV + hgradf

    (e/c)A -> (e/c)A' = (e/c)A - hgradf

    P -> P' -> P + hgradf - hgradf = P

    Therefore the canonical 3-momentum P is gauge invariant.

    h is Planck's constant, so this is a quantum effect in what first appears to be a purely classical problem.

    First surprise!

    From the point of view of local field theory if we suppose that the charge and the field at the charge are a closed system so that

    dP/dt = 0

    then what we have is simply a Newton third law 



    mV -> mV' = mV + hgradf 

    is the ACTION of the electromagnetic field A on the charge e of mass m.

    (e/c)A -> (e/c)A' = (e/c)A - hgradf

    Is the equal and opposite REACTION of the charge e on the field A

    This is a LOCAL exchange of a virtual photon of momentum hgradf between COINCIDENT charge and field.

    The classical equation of motion in an inertial frame follows trivially

    dP/dt = mdV/dt + (e/c)dA/dt = 0

    E = - (1/c)dA/dt


    mdV/dt = eE

    Now I can do the same thing for Einstein's GR using the Levi-Civita connection, where now, instead of virtual momentum transfers between particle and field, we have real proper acceleration changes between locally coincident LNIFs measuring the motion of test particles that keep the proper forces on the observed test particles a tensor. This gives direct physical meaning to the inhomogeneous terms in the non-tensor Levi-Civita connection transformation induced by the formal general coordinate transformations. In other words it is a heuristic physical picture of gravity gauge symmetry on the Levi-Civita connection, which is not a tensor.

    On Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:58 PM, JACK SARFATTI wrote:
    it's real
    On Dec 18, 2013, at 6:13 PM, Paul Murad <> wrote:

    What electric force or is that fictitious?

    Paul Murad
    Morningstar Applied Physics, LLC

    On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 6:36 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
    Imagine two bricks taped together with a dynamite stick and timer released from an airplane 

    The dynamite explodes

    There are transient real electric forces on the shattered brick pieces momentarily pushing them off their geodesics
    After a while these forces vanish and all the pieces relax to geodesics 
    Where is the beef?

    The fact is that Jim uses an undefined primitive he calls "inertial reaction force" that has no relation to anything in textbooks on the subject unless he means

    F = DP/ds

    Jim has never given me a straight answer and I cannot find a clear definition in his book either.

    Any suggestions?

    Sent from my iPad

    On Dec 18, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

    Sent from my iPad

    On Dec 18, 2013, at 10:41 AM, Ruth Kastner wrote:

    But I should add that Jack can give a 'substantivalist' account of what you describe by appealing to the constraining effect of spacetime to keep the remaining block on its geodesic. What you describe as an inertial force, Jack describes as geodesically-constrained motion. Different, irreconcilable, metaphysical pictures. (I happen to question the substantivalist idea that spacetime has these sorts of causal powers. But that's the mainstream view.)


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Classical Mechanics and Gravity From Newton to Einstein

Jack Sarfatti

Excerpted from Stargate
Version 12-19-13

I am taking the contemporary approach, not the historical one. This is a reconstruction of Newton and Einstein’s ideas using modern insights. It’s not exactly how they would have thought of what they did, but what I write does not contradict any essential battle-tested truths of their ideas.

Newton’s dynamics of particles is based on Euclidean geometry for space with absolute time the same for all observers no matter how they move. Newton had no idea that the speed of light was finite. In Newton’s theory the speed of light is infinite.

Newton’s first two laws are basically a single law.
Law 1. Force-free motions of test particles are geodesics independent of the mass and internal constitution of the particle.
A test particle is so small that we can neglect the gravity field it generates.
In Newton’s implicit geometry a geodesic is a straight line in space with a test mass moving at constant speed. There is also a state of absolute rest.
Law 2. A real vector[i] force F causes the test particle with velocity vector and instantaneous position vector  to have a curved motion with varying speed that is not geodesic.
Assume the mass m is constant, that is the calculus[ii] derivative dm/dt = 0.
F = dP/dt = d(mV)/dt = mdV/dt = md2r/dt2 = ma
This equation assumes a global inertial frame. A global inertial frame (GIF) is an imaginary cubic lattice of rigid steel rods across the entire universe with a clock at each vertex. All the clocks are synchronized. There are artificial intelligences with each clock that can communicate with each other by light signals. They all have Doppler radars to track the motions of test particles or UFOs. Jim Woodward, in his book Making Starships[iii], uses a simplistic model of the universe by the late Dennis Sciama that implicitly assumes such a global frame. Of course the equations that Professor Woodward proposes as an engine for spaceships will not work - more on this later.
Now in fact, such structures do not exist. We really only have local frames consisting of a finite network of detectors over a small region of space connected by the internet.
Physics is not mathematics. The crackpots I have dealt with do not understand the difference. Theoretical physics is about what detectors measure. We use mathematical models to do that, but the models have an enormous amount of redundant excess baggage that must be factored out in the sense of equivalence relation classes[iv] and homomorphisms[v] preserving essential relevant structure. It’s the same as a compression algorithm[vi] in computer science. Mathematics is like a high-resolution image. However, what we need to do real physics is a much lower resolution compressed image in which certain non-essential features are erased because only some small subset is needed for the measurements of interest.
Finally we have Law 3.
Newton’s third law of motion[vii] is very limited in its domain of validity and is a specialized case of the more general action-reaction conjecture.[viii] Newton’s third law assumes only central forces, which act instantly at a distance. Therefore, it’s only good really for contact interactions in his original theory. It can be generalized when fields are added to Newton’s particles. Newton did not really have the concept of extended dynamical fields[ix] that have a reality equal to localized hard massy marble-like particles. Today we have Noether’s theorem[x] that relates conservation laws to the symmetries[xi] of dynamical actions[xii] of systems of particles and fields in classical physics. Everything becomes fields in quantum physics, where the real particles are excited out of a very complicated vacuum that is a seething frothy quantum foam of virtual particles[xiii] in an ever turbulent Dirac sea.[xiv] Newton’s third law corresponds to only two systems forming a closed system.  More generally a group of space translation symmetries causes the total linear momentum of closed complex systems of particles and fields to be conserved. Similarly, time translation symmetry causes total angular momentum of closed systems to be conserved and rotational symmetry causes total angular momentum to be conserved. There are also internal symmetries beyond spacetime out of which spring the electromagnetic, weak and strong force fields.[xv] When we go to Einstein’s 1905 special relativity[xvi] where space is fused with time into space-time, then rotations that mix space and time together correspond to the Lorentz boosts[xvii] causing time dilation, length contraction and the equivalence of mass to energy. We can even go beyond that to Roger Penrose’s twistor[xviii] conformal group[xix] that includes uniformly accelerated local frames (LNIFs) with Rindler horizons[xx] as well as a topological stretching dilation symmetry that is badly broken in our world.[xxi]

[viii] Einstein, the reality of space, and the action-reaction principle
(Submitted on 20 Jun 2013)
Einstein regarded as one of the triumphs of his 1915 theory of gravity --- the general theory of relativity --- that it vindicated the action--reaction principle, while Newtonian mechanics as well as his 1905 special theory of relativity supposedly violated it. In this paper we examine why Einstein came to emphasize this position several years after the development of general relativity. Several key considerations are relevant to the story: the connection Einstein originally saw between Mach's analysis of inertia and both the equivalence principle and the principle of general covariance, the waning of Mach's influence owing to de Sitter's 1917 results, and Einstein's detailed correspondence with Moritz Schlick in 1920.
To appear in "The Nature of Reality", P. Ghose (ed.), Oxford University Press
History and Philosophy of Physics (physics.hist-ph); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
Cite as:
arXiv:1306.4902 [physics.hist-ph]

(or arXiv:1306.4902v1 [physics.hist-ph] for this version)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Kip Thorne says lifetime of a black hole ~ A^3/2 where A = area - entropy of black hole horizon (for now only non-rotating holes).

Tcold ~ 1/A^1/2 for Hawking's original radiation from surface gravity

Thot ~ 1/L^1/2A^1/4 for Hawking's original radiation from surface gravity

Thot/Tcold = A^1/2/L^1/2A^1/4 = A^1/4/L^1/2

Therefore the lifetime of the evaporating black hole is ~ L^3/2/A^3/4 shorter than Hawking's original prediction.

Kip Thorne say a 2 solar mass black hole decays in 10^67 years using Hawking's original theory.

Therefore, for gravity waves L = 1.6 x10^-33 cm and A^1/2 ~ 3 x10^5 cm for a 2 solar mass black hole

very roughly

L^3/2/A^3/4 ~ (1.6 x10^-33)^3/2 (3 x 10^5)^-3/2 ~ 10^-50 x 10^-7

i.e. the black hole of two solar masses evaporates much faster between a billion and ten billion years in my new theory.

Thursday, November 21, 2013  my stargate book as of Nov 21, 2013 in progress

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

cosmic mind - human mind link?

My new discovery - 10 Hertz back from the future dark energy EM waves resonant with our EEG brain waves. cosmic mind - human mind link?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

John Cramer on James Woodward's Mach Thruster for Propellantless Propulsion

1)   John Cramer describes Woodward’s core thesis. “Let’s consider the problem of reactionless propulsion first. Woodward extended the work of Sciama in investigating the origins of inertia in the framework of general relativity by consideration of time-dependent effects that occur when energy is in flow while an object is being accelerated. The result is surprising. It predicts large time-dependent variations in inertia, the tendency of matter to resist acceleration.”  This is the local tensor proper acceleration of the rest-massive test particle pushed off a timelike geodesic of the local curvature tensor field caused by real not fictitious forces.  The fictitious forces appear to act on the test particle, but in reality they don’t. They describe real forces on the measuring device observing the test particle. The Levi-Civita connection in the mathematics of general relativity describes the real forces on the observing measuring apparatus not the test object being measured. “The inertial transient effects predicted by the Sciama-Woodward calculations are unusual … in that they have G in the denominator, and dividing by a small number produces a large result.”    John Cramer definitely thinks that James Woodward’s inertial transient data is real “convincing evidence,” although it’s only “tens of micronewton level thrusts delivered to a precision torsion balance.” It’s important to understand that “thrusts” are not weightless warp drives free of time dilation relative to the clock-synchronized external observer left behind. Supposing best-case scenario, that Woodward’s effect is real and can be scaled up by many powers of ten. It’s still no good to get to the stars because of time dilation and the blueshifts of stuff in the way of the front of the starship. It would be good for airplanes and spacecraft on near solar system missions – if it really worked.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 world hologram quantum theory, life & consciousness

Tuesday, June 25, 2013 hacking the cosmic code  physics discussions on Facebook